Resilience First’s partners share our mission to organisational resilience in a way that also builds whole of system and whole of society resilience. We work with partners who are experts in the areas our programmes focus on, collaborating to scale resilience action, co-create solutions and provide more insight and knowledge for our members.
Please email us at for more information on becoming a Partner.

Theme: Climate Resilience
The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions – or C2ES – forges practical and innovative solutions to address climate change and engages with leading businesses to accelerate climate progress. Founded in 1998 as the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, C2ES is known worldwide as a thought leader and trusted convener on climate change and energy.
What the Partnership will do
C2ES and Resilience First are working together to deliver a climate resilience programme that
The partnership between C2ES and Resilience First has the following objectives:
- Build a business case for climate resilience: To understand and in turn actively create an easily understandable value proposition for businesses to prioritise and adopt robust resilience measures.
- Educate companies and foster peer exchange to drive transformative change: To create opportunities that assist businesses in their journey towards transformative action on climate resilience through information sharing and peer
exchange. - Provide opportunities to participate in each other’s public events to showcase luminaries and best practice: To highlight work of C2ES and/or Resilience First, and companies leading on climate resilience, helping to create a
competition for businesses to “race to the top”. - Provide input to the development of standards and guidance related to building climate resilience within companies.

Theme: Organisational Resilience
Cranfield University is Resilience First’s main partners on our New Model for Organisational Resilience. The Partnership connects Resilience First’s business network with exclusive and world-leading thought leadership, research and learning on resilience from the Cranfield School of Management.
What the Partnership will do
Resilience First and Cranfield University, together with support from members, are creating a new Model for Organisational Resilience which will contribute to a common standard for organisational resilience, and be applicable to our members.
The Partnership provides significant learning and development opportunities to Resilience First members to embed resilience into their organisation’s resilience including in-house training programmes and graduate learning on resilience.

Theme: Climate Resilience
The International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI) ICSI is the global movement for engineering action on infrastructure sustainability, resilience, and climate change. They bring together a global coalition of change agents from across the engineering, investment, city, and philanthropic communities committed to bold action to solve the systemic problems that exist at the intersection of climate change, ecosystem degradation, ageing infrastructure, and underinvestment.
What the Partnership will do
Resilience First and ICSI’s partnership will enable the two organisations to collaborate through joint thought leadership, knowledge sharing, and convening on accelerating action on systemic climate resilience.
The partnership builds on an existing collaborative relationship between the two organisations, which have worked closely for many years, including as part of the Resilience Rising network.
Resilience First and ICSI will collaborate on a series of external engagements including COP29, and bring their respective partners together to elevate resilience knowledge within their networks and operations.

Since 2010, the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA) has been working as a global network to develop, crowd-source, and mainstream the emerging practice of climate resilience, focusing on the connections between water resources and climate adaptation and mitigation. Working across sectors and disciplines, the AGWA network seeks to intertwine emerging technical knowledge, finance instruments, and policy processes into synthetic, integrated tools and methodologies.
You can link to our website here or find us on Facebook and Twitter using @Alliance4Water.

The AOA represents the views of UK airports to Government, Parliament and regulators to secure policy outcomes that help deliver its mission. It represents more than 50 UK airports in the UK. For more information, please visit

ASIS is a global community of 35,000 security practitioners in over 70 countries, each of whom has a role in the protection of assets – people, property, and/or information. It is the leader in Enterprise Security Risk Management. Its Board Certifications APP, PCI®, PSP® and the gold standard CPP® lead the way globally.
ASIS UK organises seminars, CPE days, networking events and has dedicated groups for Women in Security, Young Professionals and those leaving the police and military. It works closely with other security groups, government, police and regulators.

Our delivery and research teams all have significant practitioner experience in their fields of expertise and we also provide consultancy, bespoke teaching and advocacy at all levels and specialisms. We work with Resilience First and organisations such as the UK Security Commonwealth, Security Institute, Business Continuity Institute, police and military to offer specialised support and co-ordination of effort in training and education. Our overall focus is to ensure that we offer current, relevant and accessible education and training for organisations, agencies and industry and we have many alumni and current students operating in significant and influential resilience roles in both public and private sectors.

Chartered Accountants Worldwide brings together 15 chartered accountancy bodies connecting and representing the interests of over 1.8 million members and students globally. Through its member institutes, Chartered Accountants Worldwide supports, develops and promotes the role of Chartered Accountants as business leaders, decision-makers and trusted advisers to help build resilient businesses and healthy economies.

The Cross-sector Safety and Security Communications (CSSC) initiative was founded in June 2011, in partnership with the police, law-enforcement agencies and other relevant bodies and organisations. It aims to promote, for the public benefit, the protection of people and property and the prevention of criminal acts in particular but not exclusively by the provision of a national communication vehicle between the public and private sectors, providing information on all relevant security matters.

Cyber Rescue is the European market leader in helping executives lead business recovery when digital defences are breached. Organisations like the FT, the IoD, Nokia, Nomura and Vodafone turn to the experts at Cyber Rescue for run dynamic simulations of attack, governance dashboards and cyber continuity plans.
Follow Cyber Rescue on LinkedIn for the latest reports on cyber resilience:

CyberSmart helps protect your organisation from cyber attack and provides you with government-approved certification and an ongoing compliance monitoring tool, leaving you free to concentrate on managing your business.
In a world of increasing cyber risk, customers seek reassurance that their suppliers are aware of these risks and are protecting their systems and their data. Cyber Essentials is the UK Government certification that demonstrates a business has addressed the common cyber attack risks and is protecting its customers and its own data. Cyber Essentials Plus provides a richer technical examination of systems to deliver the next stage of cyber security risk mitigation and certification.
IASME Governance and GDPR Readiness certification complete the suite of current certification standards available and require a business to demonstrate that they have implemented more advanced policies and procedures to deliver the Information Commissioner’s and Government’s legal requirements to meet data protection by design and default.
CyberSmart reduces the Cyber Essentials certification time from months to hours and then checks, fixes and monitors compliance 24/7 ensuring continued protection.
CyberSmart products are available to all Resilience First members. For further information, visit our site from the link below to receive discount on all our products using the code RESILIENCEFIRST.

Through regular consultation with the Government, the EPS provides a voice for our members to influence change a the highest level.
Our members come from all areas of the resilience profession and as a society we work hard to ensure their voices are heard. We provide a forum through our extensive network of regional branches to share our experiences and disseminate good practice.
Our members have the opportunity to be part of an international network of professionals that can provide support and give you a voice that is already acknowledged as one of the leaders in the field.

As experts in business, we offer our members a wide range of vital business services including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in government. Our mission is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions.
Established over 40 years ago to help our members succeed in business, we are a non-profit making and non-party political organisation that’s led by our members, for our members.
Members get an exclusive package of great value business services including advice, financial products and support. These cover a wide range of benefits such as tax, legal and HR, local network groups, business banking and mentoring.
We don’t only provide fantastic membership benefits – FSB is also the UK’s leading business campaigner, focused on delivering change which supports smaller businesses to grow and succeed. Our lobbying arm starts with the work of our team in Westminster which focuses on UK and English policy issues. Further to this, our expert teams in Glasgow, Cardiff and Belfast work with governments, elected members and decision-makers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Fire Protection Association (FPA) is the UK’s national fire safety organisation. They work to identify the dangers of fire and help their clients reduce any fire-related risks.

At GloComNet, we believe in the importance of understanding social complexity and dealing with uncertainty. That is why GloComNet specifically aims at increasing awareness of the meaning of social complexity. We bridge the gap between research, education, practice, art and culture.
Trailer GloComNet from GloComNet on Vimeo.

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce is the largest accredited Chamber of Commerce in the UK, providing business support to approximately 4,500 members who collectively employ 350,000 people, around one-third of Greater Manchester’s workforce.
Recognised as a leader in its field, Greater Manchester Chamber has a high reputation in government circles locally and nationally. Based at the heart of the area of greatest economic activity outside London and the South East, the Chamber is the primary body for business support, policy, representation and networking in Greater Manchester.
The Chamber is an independent, not-for-profit private company and its aim is to support businesses and help create the best climate for the region to prosper. This is achieved by ensuring that those taking decisions on key issues such as transport, taxation and business regulation hear the voice of our members.
Chamber membership gives businesses access to everything from networking events to award-winning international trade services. Members can get advice and support on key business issues including HR, health, legal matters and export documentation. Key sectors such as Manufacturing & Engineering and Property & Construction are represented by their own dedicated groups. Each local area also has its own Local Business Group and Local President to ensure their views are heard.
Our Chamber Space meeting and events venue in the centre of Manchester can cater from everything from one-to-one meetings to large networking events.
To find out more about the Chamber and all the benefits Chamber membership could bring your business, visit

The Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC) mission is to advance Information Assurance to ensure that the UK’s Information Society has a robust, resilient and secure foundation.
Further, IAAC intends that users of digital products and services should be confident these are safe and secure for them, their families and their businesses.
IAAC as an industry sponsored, not-for-profit organisation, is engaged in the development of policy recommendations to government and corporate leaders at the highest levels. We have established a unique reputation for being a neutral honest broker of ideas focussed on emerging information assurance issues that are not yet being considered by other parties. IAAC believes that no single UK sector can create a safe and secure information society by itself.
Our strategy is therefore that Government, the private sector, academia and others need to work together to create a common vision of the future Information Society that informs a shared understanding of the main information assurance challenges and cyber security challenges to be addressed.
We invite all interested people to our workshops and encourage them to join in the highly animated debates that normally take place. All our products are put free of charge in the public domain as soon as they are published.

ICAEW is a professional membership organisation that promotes, develops and supports chartered accountants and students worldwide. They provide qualifications and professional development, share knowledge, insight and technical expertise, and protect the quality and integrity of the accountancy and finance profession.

The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) is the latest Associate member of Resilience First. The IET inspires, informs and influences the global engineering community to engineer a better world. As a diverse home across engineering and technology, the IET shares knowledge that helps make better sense of the world in order to solve the challenges that matter. For more information, see here.

As a totally self-financing, multi-tiered membership organisation, the Institute provides practical guidance from extensive experience gained from working across relationships within the commercial, government and academic arenas. The Institute was established in 1990 by the then Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The Institute’s role is to establish collaborative working as a professional business discipline and help organisations, large and small, in both the public and private sectors, to build and develop effective competitive business relationships based on collaborative working good practice.
The Institute is focused on knowledge transfer through a broad range of training and development offerings supported by academic research and a portfolio of thought leadership reports. The Institute was the thought leader and driving force behind the development of BS 11000 Collaborative Business Relationship Framework, the world’s first standard in relationship management, published by the British Standards Institution in 2010, and its evolution in 2017 to ISO 44001, the International Standard for collaborative business relationship management.

The Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM) was established in 2018 to create a global centre where practitioners, academics and policy makers can come together to share information, help progress and promote the underlying understanding and capabilities associated with strategic risk and crisis management, and develop their own personal and professional networks. It currently has Chapters in 15 countries, as well as a global network of similar strategically orientated institutes and organisations.
ISRM runs globally recognised, free-to-attend programmes with the option for full Ofqual regulated qualification and certification for a small certification fee. There is also a 12-month, distance-learning programme covering eight modules, each of which has a full support package and access to reading material. This is being offered at a 50% discount to Resilience First members at £600 + VAT.

Uniting Government and Industry by sharing innovative homeland and commercial security technologies, integrated solutions and intelligence to create a safer world. International Security Expo (ISE) is free-to-attend and unites the entire security community allowing shared learning and collaboration from Government, CNI, Law Enforcement, Military, Major Events, Transport & Borders, Cyber Security, Facilities and Public and Private sectors.

The London Climate Change Partnership, LCCP is the centre for expertise on climate change adaptation and resilience to extreme weather in London.
London is a world centre for finance, transport, politics and culture. However, many of the elements that make London an attractive place are vulnerable to our current weather and future climate. We are driving forward awareness and action on climate change so that London is able to remain a great place to live, work, visit and do business.
LCCP is comprised of public, private and community sector organisations that have a role to play in preparing London for extreme weather today and climate change in the future. We have worked to increase climate resilience within and between sectors in London for the last decade. In that time we have made a lot of progress and collectively understand more now about the city’s vulnerabilities and the impacts we expect climate change to have. But there is still much to do. We have renewed our focus in our vision to 2020 to set out what needs to be done next.

Make UK is focused on creating the most supportive environment for UK manufacturers to thrive, innovate and compete. They do this so that together, they can build a platform for the evolution of UK manufacturing.

Mumbai First is a leading not for profit think tank representing businesses and citizens of Mumbai, committed to regenerating Mumbai’s physical and Social infrastructure and enhancing its global competitiveness. It partners with the government, private sector and civil society to influence positive policy-making.

PTSD Resolution is a leading Armed Forces’ charity providing free mental health therapy – in one-to-one sessions and over the internet – to traumatised veterans, reservists and their families.
The charity also provides support for non-veteran personnel, with a network of 200 therapists nationwide. Therapy is fast, effective and confidential, with over 2,600 referrals to date.
The charity has a unique ‘lean’ operation, with no salaried staff or assets; funds are used to pay for and deliver therapy and training, with essential research and communications support.
PTSD Resolution invites partnering and other types of engagement with resilience planners, with support for each organisation’s CSR programme and Armed Forces Covenant Awards applications.

About RIA: The Railway Industry Association (RIA) is the voice of the UK rail supply community. We help to grow a sustainable, high-performing, railway supply industry, and to export UK rail expertise and products. We promote and represent our members’ interests to policy makers, clients and other stakeholders in the UK and overseas. RIA has 300+ companies in membership in a sector that contributes £36 billion in economic growth and £11 billion in tax revenue each year, as well as employing 600,000 people—more than the workforce of Birmingham. RIA’s membership is active across the whole of railway supply, covering a diverse range of products and services and including both multi-national companies and SMEs (60% by number). RIA works to promote the importance of the rail system to UK plc, to help export UK expertise around the globe and to share best practice and innovation across the industry.

To meet the need for high-quality, principles-based guidance for Board Risk Committees and risk functions within the UK financial services sector, the Risk Coalition published Raising the Bar in December 2019.

The Security Commonwealth is an umbrella organisation of independent membership bodies across the security industry. It provides a forum to consult and co-operate in the common interest and in the promotion of professionalism, best practice and information sharing to enhance UK security.
The Security Commonwealth aims to be the all-inclusive industry advocate on security issues in the UK, to create lasting networks and alliances and to promote and lead the security industry with a single voice.
Membership includes most of the major security membership organisations in the UK, such as ASIS UK, the Security Institute, the International Professional Security Association, the Association of Security Consultants, the Institute of Private Investigators, and the Cross-sector Security and Safety Communications.
Other members include the National Security Inspectorate, the British Security Industry Association, the Royal United Services Institute, Crime Prevention Associations, Project Griffin, National Cyber Security Alliance and Resilience First.
Sector based membership organisations include Sister Banks, the Pharmaceutical Industry Security Forum (PISF), the National Association for Healthcare Security, the British Institute of Facilities Management and many other organisations covering all security disciplines including counter terrorism, physical security, personnel security and cyber security.

Student Energy is a global youth-led organization empowering young people to accelerate the sustainable energy transition through a variety of initiatives, including university-based Chapters, a digital Energy System Map, and the largest student-led energy conference in the world.

With no government backing, this is the voice of the private sector in London. More than 9,000 advocates volunteer their time to campaign for the future of London tech.

The UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) is a young and growing institute with over 40 established and early-career researchers in central London and a mission to lead research, advanced teaching and knowledge exchange in the UK and internationally. It is strongly interdisciplinary and has academic experts in disaster management, emergency planning, organisational and community resilience, mobile technology and data science, critical infrastructure, and natural and technological hazards. It is strongly multi-national both with researchers drawn from around the world and projects run globally. The IRDR is driving new research in cascading crises in modern society, conflict and disaster humanitarian response, digital health in emergencies, and gender responsiveness resilience. It hosts the Humanitarian Tech Hub which aims to link researchers, innovators and practitioners and develop innovative products, systems and training to meet humanitarian challenges.
The IRDR runs masters and diploma degree programmes in risk, disaster and resilience, and offers flexible learning to allow practitioners to study selected modules over 5 years. Students are encouraged to partner with companies and organisations for their dissertation projects. The IRDR runs masterclasses for practitioners and education programmes for schools, and aims to keep the public informed through its well-attended lively open events and interviews in the media.
The IRDR impacts policymaking and consults to governments, organisations and communities. With disasters such as the Grenfell Tower fire and the threat of terrorism, the IRDR is working to support business and community resilience for instance by developing practical benchmarking tools. Working with London and UK partners, it contributes to London emergency planning, including the training of gold command of London Resilience. Professor David Alexander’s practical guide on how to write an emergency plan has been downloaded over 10,000 since 2017. The IRDR has active engagement with London First and Resilience First. It aims to exchange knowledge with the community to make London the most resilient and vibrant city in the world and an exemplar for cities globally.

The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological university located in Glasgow, delivering academic excellence and making a difference to business, industry and society as a whole since 1796.